Saturday, March 29, 2008

.NET CF 3.5

Really surprise me that some user in other forum has suggested that we have to upgrade the CF 2.0 to CF 3.5 with the following,

Install NETCF3.5

2. Open a registry editor, I use Reso Regsitry Editor
3. Goto HKLM\Software\Microsoft\.NETCompactFramework (this is usually the first entry
4. When you open this you'll see all the .NET installed version change the DWORD value of 2.0.7045.00 from 1 to 0
5. Chang ethe DWORD value of 3.5.7283.00 from 0 to 1.


HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\StorageManager\FATFS\EnableCache (5)

Sound too technical for them but they made it.. Great Job!


Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Hide Simcard Phone Number

Thanks for someone on the net :)

Edit Registory:
Add a dword called "ShowSim", set the value to 0 (zero)

So the simcard phone number will not show (Maybe need restart anyway)
Luckily MorphGear Work well T_T

Luckily, found out that MorphGear can get get rid of the GAPI issue, just set to GDI and everything just work fine.

Well, for speed, it is reasonable but not as good as my HTC X7500 and HTC C730...
Still good enough
My Today Screen Finally...

Well, finally, I installed SPB Mobile Shell and Pocket Plus
Also, better with the SlideToUnlock to make sure the phone never auto answer :P

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Woo... What's the Hell......

What is this come from...
Any Help??

Saturday, March 08, 2008

Make you MP3 Ring Tone Louder before put into your KS20..
So you may able to hear the ring ... :)

Donwload from here

Please visit the product Website if you are interested.

Close Button ? Task Manager? More Shortcut?


Those are the Close Button with some additional function,
like Rotate Screen, Softreset...

SmartKey (Replace your volume Up/Down to PageUp/PageDown, but still volume in Today Screen) **LG KS20 Mobile Java Is not working well with this one**

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

One Hand Chinese and English Input

Thanks for someone in other forum, I got a really useful input keyboard,

Product Website (Currently Free)

This is the download for LS KS20 (WM6 / 320 * 240)

Sunday, March 02, 2008

FinalBurn 的不幸 [Sadness of FinalBurn]

我諗,我終於可以certified 部LG KS20係玩唔到FinalBurn ..嗚~

I think.... I can finally certifed that the LG KS20 cannot please with the FinalBurn.. (cry~)

I think the problem is not under optimization of the VideoDriver...

Update:After a while of research, it seem that the error is because of the GAPI module have bug.. Since now Microsoft is not going to support the GAPI anymore, so maybe Qualcomm are not going to concern it.
SPB still using this technology, and for sure some of the stop developing Emulator like my favorite FinalBurn :(
Well. Sound not too important anyway...
Look More Viewty Look More LG

Here is a Analog Clock for our lovely LG KS20
I dont have time to take our KS20 Photo, keep this photo and imagine the center of the screen are the Analog Clock.. Awesome!

RetroPPCInstall (Install in Main Memory)

如果你係中文機,千祈唔好安一個叫 "iPhone-like Music Player: Lumen", 佢會改咗d default字體..
攪到有D中文出唔到... uninstall 咗連 好多 中文界面都無埋 :018

最後 Hard reset

之後,又覺得TCPMP 好似唔係好smooth..
但原來只係因為未set 個driver 去 GDI decode
加上...原來用Viewty 影既 avi (divx)係唔support ..所以play 唔到啫 :018

A Real One Hand Keyboard

Finally Got a good keyboard for One Hand :)

Download Here

KS20 After Fully Protected (Front / Back / Side / Battery cover)

Here is some photo for you!!
it is more good looking then orginal, Happy!!

Saturday, March 01, 2008

Information (Tried and Work Great!!)
[Updated, I delete those unbelievable link, since someone crashed their machine.]
xda always seem the best...

SDHC Link (Tested on LG KS20)
The 1st one.. Named as

My 4G SD Can read after install it.
How to Test a WM Professional Phone
1. Look around the phone to see if any scratches..
2. Take some photo to see if the camera is ok
3. Call someone to see if the phone is clear
4. Ask you friend to call back to hear the ringtone volume if suit you
4. See if there is any "dead-dot" on the screen
5. IF everything are in the box? For this one
  • Manual
  • Adapter (LG Port)
  • earphone (2.5 standard Port)
  • mic cable (LG Port -> 2.5 Port)
  • USB Cable (LG Port)
  • pen (only 1 =_=)
6. start some program to see the response
7. use pen to play around the touch screen if response ok (but the sticker on top affect the response)
8. Go to setting -> System -> System Information to review the config suit you or not (But for KS20, perfect :P)

1. 有無花
2. 影吓相
3. 打個電話俾你朋友試吓d聲
4. 睇吓有冇死點
5. 齊唔齊野... (睇我個blog有寫有咩)
6. 開幾個program睇吓有冇死機
7. 用筆玩吓部機,睇吓screen反應
8. 去設定->系統->系統資訊 睇吓D config 啱唔啱你(一定啱..超正)
BD MP3 Player (Demo Video)

BD MP3 Player
[Last Update On 2008/03/03]
for PocketPC 2003, WM5 PocketPC, WM5 Smartphone, WM6 Professional, WM6 Standard

Finally, I try to put this application online,
wish you guys will like it.

Download BD MP3 Player

For WM2003 Please install .NET CF Framework 2.0
For WM2003 Please Install the SQLCE as well (Click Here)
For some WM5 machine which dont have SQLCE also please install it (Click Here)

I will put all those CAB file into a single one when the next version coming out.
Actually, I have tested on some WM5 machine which those SQLCE already pre-installed.

I have attached the Cache with my song files, so you guys can see the UI once you installed.
  1. Install the Application by the Cab file in your SD Card inside You WM5+ Phone
  2. Run the Cab File and Install into the SD Card (Better)
  3. Start the program
  4. Reload MP3 Cache
    1. Try to click the Hardware Button 1 (For LG KS20, it is the "e" button on the right hand side) to start the option page
    2. Use the Direction Pad and the Center Button to choose you MP3 Folder
    3. At the right bottom corner select More -> Save
    4. At the right bottom corner select More -> Reload MP3
    5. Wait for the process to complete
  5. To Exit the Application Click the LG KS20 (Camera Button)

And you have your MP3 and Album list in your system.


If you have any problem on install or some bugs, please feel free to comment me! OR

"iPhone-like" Contact

download from Here
Unzip and install it.